Is the chaotic intersection between tech, innovations and art something that has you on the edge of your seat? Then you should better reserve your place at Border Sessions.
Border Sessions is a social learning experience. We aim to unite a group of explorative people to learn from each other and build new partnerships for positive growth at the intersection of arts, technology, and science. We do this by offering a stage to people with a compelling mission to share their work and lessons learned and provide a safe open space to collide and connect. We present a variety of talks, workshops, and experiences throughout the year.
For every event we organise, we apply three simple rules:
– You are there from the beginning till the end to make sure others can benefit from your input
– You join with a curious and positive mindset
– We use a positive balance to actively support the pioneers in our community
Our upcoming event is on November 2. You should join if you are looking for a thoughtful space to learn and connect with like-minded people who aim for a more equitable and sustainable world for all species.
As an organisation, we are exploring the possibility of becoming a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation). We currently operate as a foundation, part of WorldStartup Collective.
You can join Border Sessions as a partner, providing you with a say in our programming, easy access to the events for your community, and a platform for your mission.
More info and ticket can be found at