Societal Challenges, Global Mental Health and Humane AI

Societal Challenges, Global Mental Health and Humane AI


9 januari 2023    
09:30 - 13:00

At this year’s Dies Natalis of the University of Amsterdam, Professor dr. Vikram Patel (Harvard University) and Prof. dr. Chris Manning (Stanford University) will be awarded Honorary Doctorates. During this symposium, a panel of expert speakers will join our honorees to discuss pertinent topics within the fields of mental health and the use of artificial intelligence on a global scale.

While living in urban areas is often economically and socially attractive, cities bring their own challenges and stressors, which can lead to disproportionately high rates of mental health problems. With more people than ever living in urban environments, our understanding of how to intervene at individual, group, and societal levels to target mental health conditions, is crucial. It is important to create scalable interventions, many using digital techniques (such as app-based interventions, AI-enhanced chatbots, virtual reality), that can be implemented on a global scale, including among underserved populations in low- and middle-income countries.

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