Internet Impact Report 2020

Foto credit: heeft het Impact Report van 2020 gepubliceerd, met als thema ‘The Internet as a lifeline‘.

Senior Vice President of Strategy, Communications and Engagement, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, introduceert het rapport op warme wijze in de nieuwsbrief van ISOC International:

As we push forward through this turbulent time, I have seen many of you hard at work in support of the Internet and all the good it brings to the world. But I wanted to take a brief moment in your busy day to say thank you. Today we are releasing our 2020 Impact Report, a collection of stories that demonstrate how this global society came together during an incredibly challenging year and helped people carry on with work, school, staying in touch, and so much more. 

It’s an inspiring read. 

It includes stories like Joseph Bishi’s, who helped bring the Internet to residents of Murambinda, eastern Zimbabwe, by expanding on the town’s first community network. Or Doug Frazier and the New York Chapter, who helped create the Harlem community news streaming project. The Internet did more than allow people to better cope with the social and economic shocks of the global COVID-19 pandemic. It was a virtual lifeline. 

The Internet’s resilience is a reflection of the people who work to strengthen and grow it. We are the Internet Society, an unstoppable force for the Internet.  

Despite fears and worries during 2020, this report shows how, collectively, we’re stronger together than apart. It’s the Internet way.  Your contribution and dedication to the mission have made a difference.

Het Impact Report 2020 is hier op de site te vinden.

Hoe was 2020 voor onze ISOC NL leden? Wat zijn de belangrijkste lessen die we als collectief, wereldwijd maar ook als Nederland specifiek, geleerd hebben afgelopen jaar? Wat moeten we herhalen, verbeteren, verwijderen?

We horen het graag van onze leden!

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